40 Weeks and 2 Days 😩

Kimberli • Mommy of a beautiful baby boy as of 02/25/2020 👶🏻🌈💛🐝

I am only 1 1/2cm dilated, he stripped my membranes, and was worried bc I have a band-like thing in or around my cervix (couldn’t remember which) and I guess that is not normal. He told me that I might also need to have a c-section. He wants to see me next Wednesday to see if I progressed any and if not, then I may be induced that day or the following day. However, if he said if I get the chance to be induced then the likelihood of needing a c-section decrease! I don’t care either way, but I did want to try to go naturally.. so here’s to hoping! 🤞🏻