Need advice

I’m 38 weeks, my next appointment is Monday and I will be 39 weeks on Tuesday.

I’m so absolutely DONE being pregnant.

My hips, back and legs hurt so bad I can barely walk around, getting in my car to take my fiancé to work kills me and it’s gotten to the point where nothing helps. I’m not even comfortable in my bathtub. my last appointment was this past Monday and because of the amount of pain I’m in he had me stop work early and has put me on partial bed rest. I can’t sleep because I’m so uncomfortable and when I shift positions in the bed I could literally cry because it hurts so bad. I have to wake my fiancé up at night to be able to get out of bed to pee because I physically cannot make myself do it. My cervix is still long and not dilated at all, and I’m constantly having Braxton-Hicks contractions. How do I talk to my doctor about being induced? She is head down (has been since 20 weeks) and she was measuring right at 6 pounds 2 weeks ago. Should I bring my fiancé to make my doctor take me more seriously? I have loved my doctor my entire pregnancy but when I go in I don’t feel that I’m being taken seriously as an adult, almost like He feels I’m over exaggerating. I’m 21 and a FTM. I just need some advice.