I really dislike my sister in law

She’s 40 years ago old and has never had a job. She still lives at home (with her 3 children)and lives off my FIL who is elderly & on disability (he only gets $700 a month).

My oldest niece is about to be 17, she’s in the band, does upward bound and has been doing dual enrollment. Over the summer she wanted to get a part time job to help pay for her band expenses instead of relaying on donations, and doing fundraising. My SIL told her no because it would mess with her food stamps.

For her 16th birthday her other grandfather bought her a car. My SIL has taken it away from and uses it herself because,” she doesn’t need a car. Anywhere she needs to go I can take.” But at least twice a week we’ll get a call from my niece saying that she can’t get in touch with her mom and she has no way home. ( This happened a lot during football season when games wouldnt end till 10 or 11 at night).

Now my niece has the opportunity to graduate high school in December instead of may and start attending college in January. And of course her mother told her no because she thinks it will mess with her food stamps.

I really can not stand this fucking woman and just wish for once she would actually take care of her children and do what’s best for them.

(Oh btw she’s completely capable oh working, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with her except a pill addiction. And she sells half her food stamps every month for pill.)


She’s been reported to CPS multiple times, the children were taken away once when they were younger but she got them back. We as well as my husbands aunt have called and reported her multiple times over the past year but that we know of they’ve never even bothered to come out.

She wants to get emancipated but we live in Alabama and that’s easier said then done