False cps report and claims by land lord


So anyone who is following my families story, on top of everything. Our land lord randomly wants us to leave our house we rent.

And filled a bunch of false cps claims which had to be investigated of course and the case is almost over as soon as she can come view our sons nursery.

However, our land lord also offered us 1000$ and 3 weeks to be out of our house or else we will have to go to court and fight for our lease which she and he are now claiming was month to month ( was a year) and they even bought us a 5 year brand new wooden crib. As a goft and said please stay forever and even knock a few walls down and we will start construction to make more than two bedrooms and more room for your family.

We have text proof, email proof, payment proof. The woman involved even phoned multiple men to come and kill me and my husband and our baby, than filed a false cps report, and even told the police when I phoned them that we have no rights more than animals and deserve nothing but simple bedding and a shower.

She caused me to have real contractions and active labor signs since wk 33 Till 40.

Even active labor fluid in urine and put on rest at home.

The police told her to stop and if she harms our child she will be in a lot more trouble as well as legally she has caused herself a big mess.

I am also legally mentally disabled and she refused to accommodate any of my disabilities.

(Which is illegal) when the police warned her to stop 🛑. She than texted us multiple text about self harm and committing suicide.

We had to notify the police again they had to go find her and check on her.

We have contacted a advising lawyer where we are and they said we totes could very well lose in court and most likely would because they only wanted under the table ssd money in cash and not track it as well as asked for no papers involved and only made verbal agreements even tho verbal leases are legally binding. We could lose our home now on top of her causing my new born and I do much stress I had to get an emergency c. And he died upon being born, was brought back and now has suffered every second of everyday to survive for the first two wks of his life.

Does anyone at all have advice for us ?

The offer to leave in 3 wks was 2 wks ago. While we were in labor and also at the nicu with our son.

Now we had to come home to take care of this issue and any advice would be much appreciated. I am so stressed out and have yet to have a chance to rest since labor.

My body will not stop shaking uncontrollably. I still cant eat or gain weight. But I will not give up on my family.