Sleep help


Maybe it was because he only had cat naps since we were out and about but my LO woke up at least 4-5 times last night. I kept him in bed and just rolled to throw him on my boob in hopes he’d just go back to sleep (and let me go to sleep). My doctor always makes me feel bad about not making him cry and sleep training. I’d like more sleep but is there a better way? I wish he’d sleep better next to me in the bed but maybe not. I have him in the crib but it’s on the other side of the bed. I could move him in with my daughter but I don’t want him crying bloody murder waking her up. As if I try to wean him from my boob at night he cries and won’t let me rock him in her room. I can’t walk him around my room anymore because he’s heavy. He doesn’t take a pacifier.