
So my boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years now. Lived together for over a year and I’m currently 6 months pregnant. That being said I need some help... We have always had a decent sex life. We used to have sex like crazy when we first started dating and it’s gradually gotten less and less. Mind you we are both 21. I’ve asked him if it’s me and he says no. I’ve tried to ask what he’s into that I don’t know about to spice it up and give those things a try if I can, nothing from him. He won’t tell me and doesn’t want to be adventurous.

He will choose watching porn and jerking off rather than having sex with me. He doesn’t ask for blowjobs or handjobs and if I try to just do it for him he turns me away so he can jerk off. He says “it’s easier than sex” or “Im just not a sexual person” or “I just don’t want to put in the effort”. I tell him that it’s not all about sex but it would be nice to know I’m needed and wanted. I can be laying/sitting right next to him and he will go watch porn or go jerk off in the shower. EVERY TIME. Now we do have sex but it’s once a week or sometimes two weeks...

So with all that I’m just so unsure of what to do.. I need opinions and advice. Am I just being crazy and jealous? Or is this actually a problem? What would you do if this was your SO? What can I do?

It hurts me so bad when I see that he’s been watching porn or I know he’s jerked off and I’m always willing to give him whatever he wants whenever he wants. I get he’s going to do it and it’s his body but all the time? Is it not weird he chooses it over me? It makes me feel so self conscious and unattractive. Like I’m not enough for him or not what he wants. Please help me...