How do I feel better???

I was talking to a guy since June 2019 and he says that he's not ready for a relationship. I cut him off in mid January because by now he should know if he wants to be with me or not. Last week he messaged me saying how could I leave him because you dont leave people that you love and he's realised that we are all expendable blah blah blah 🙄. I then told him that you don't have people that you love waiting for so long wondering where they stand with you. He then freaked out on me saying that I cut him off and I left him and I did this to us (by breaking the bond we hand and destroyed the plans we had together). Now he is moving really cold toward me. I know he has abandonment issues because he grew up not knowing his father and had a terrible experience with his stepfather. He says that he isn't used to people breaking up with him so he doesn't know how to deal with it, which I figure is why he is being so mean to me but also tells me that it's okay when he breaks up with people. I know that he has baggage to work through but I can't help but feel bad that he is being so cold with me. At first he said he understood why Ieft but now he is making it seem like I did it wrong. How do i get over this? I've been crying like crazy.