My friend wants me to sleepover and it’s awkward

My friend lives at her boyfriend’s parents house and it’s so AWKWARD!! She gets mad when I don’t want to go over to their house. She says it’s her house but it’s not, she’s just being a free loader. She doesn’t pay for anything. They pay for her food and the gas for the car she uses, they pay for her car insurance. She doesn’t do anything. And I don’t like her boyfriend, he’s very rude and is disgusting. He’s a pig, he has no manners at all. My friend is super pretty so idk why she’ll want an overweight guy who is gross. All of her last boyfriends were really cute!

Anyways she doesn’t want to do anything except for me going to sleepover at that house

I don’t want to cuz it’s awkward

I ask her if she’d rather go to the beach or do something fun instead of staying in a house and do nothing