When do I switch bottle nipples?


I breastfeed and pump so baby can have bottles when I'm away or need a break (but she's breastfed 99% of the time). She was born 5lbs at 36weeks, and has now made it to the 9 week mark (8lbs4oz). I'm wondering when I should switch her to the size 2month nipple. She's 2 months, but shes also the size of a newborn. She can still gulp down a bottle pretty quickly, but I think she may be frustrated sometimes when she can't get a flow similar to my large letdowns. As it is sometime we have to give her one bottle in the evening because she isn't getting a strong letdown like the rest of the day, and so she just pulls off the breast continuously and cries and screeches before trying again to get one. I'd ask her doc but he told me from the get go to avoid bottles and only breastfeed which is just not practical 🙄