At a loss

I lost my 3 month old son hardly 3 months ago. I just recently found out I’m pregnant. I was seeing a therapist who basically said it was the wrong choice and that I couldn’t replace him. I so badly prayed for this and I know that I can not replace my son. I can’t count the amount of times I’ve had to reassure people that I know this baby won’t replace him and I know he/she won’t be what I lost.. it was never my intentions. I am hurting and continue to hurt I never thought my family and I would ever have to deal with this unimaginable pain.. I miss the weight on my chest. I miss breastfeeding. I miss the sleepless nights. I miss the smiling and crying and he was just beginning to laugh. I felt like I needed this and my prayers were answered and that I now had something to look forward to, but now others have me questioning my decision. I haven’t been able to find any posts to relate to because most people wait a year or more. I am now seeing a new therapist who basically agreed with my last but said it’s to late now and asked me if I could ever love this baby as much as I love my previous.. which left my jaw to the ground. I can’t help but to question myself in this moment because everyone is saying I’m in the wrong. I’m trying to balance both my grief and happiness but now I feel like I can’t or shouldn’t be happy.