C-section mamas

Hello! So I'm 34 weeks and my baby has been breech since week 29. The closer we get to due date the more I have to think about the possibility of having a C-section. I did want to try for a natural, drug free birth, but hey things change so I am ready for anything. As long as my baby gets here healthy and safely!

So, I would love to hear some stories. Did you have a scheduled C-section due to breech baby (or other preexisting conditions)? Did your vaginal birth turn into a C-section? What was your experience/recovery like? I'm trying not to read too much into anything because I don't want to freak myself out, but I would like to hear from other moms who have had this procedure.

Side note, my doctor is still waiting until week 36 to really start considering a scheduled C-section but this baby doesn't seem to want to flip so I'm getting mentally prepared

Also! I am overweight, I carry a lot of my weight in my stomach and fupa. I recently read about the risks of obese women and c-sections so now I'm a little scared. So if you're a plus sized mom who had a C-section, please calm my nerves if you can. Thank you