What is this?!

Dr ruled out everything. The dr asked if we recently switched detergents or lotions/soaps. If we have him any new food, etc. (we haven’t switched anything or tried anything new) she even asked if he’s in daycare (again no) the dr doesn’t know what it is. It doesn’t seem to bother my son and I don’t think it’s itchy or we would know. He doesn’t have a fever or cough or any other symptoms. He’s had it for about a month and it’s spread from his legs to his toes, back and now hands. The dr gave us a cream and told us to come back in a week if no improvement. So we will be going back tomorrow. We’ve tried to think what it could be but no luck ): I’ll probably ask for a referral to dermatology. It’s not bed bugs, not the grass, he isn’t allergic to anything but eggs which we don’t give him. We’ve thought of everything. We live on Guam due to the military so it isn’t like he’s been around sick family or friends ( we stay home most of the time) I just want it to go away ): I feel so helpless even though it doesn’t seem to bother him.. I’m afraid it’ll just keep spreading to his genital area and face and then it’ll bother him. Anyone else have a similar issue? We were going to fly back home to see family but my sons Health comes first and I don’t want to go anywhere until this issue is resolved. Also me and and my husband don’t have it and the dr said it’s not contagious

These pics are from when it first started. There are now more bumps on his legs. Not clusters either