What is happening???? Preg or not?!


Currently trying for baby number 2.

I had a chemical pregnancy test last month.

I’ve been using opk test strips and it looks like I ovulated feb 14th-15th. We BABY DANCED ;)

Supposed to start my period feb 29th(sat) took a pregnancy test 12dpo and didn’t see anything and started having pink/red bleeding on Friday 28th. It was pretty light and only lasted for about 3-4 days.. and usually my period is about 6 days and a lot heavier.

Monday I took an opk to start tracking my ovulation.. and it was positive..?!

So I came home and took a pregnancy test and got a faint line?? ( first 2 below)

Then on Tuesday used my FMU and got faint lines again... (below)

What is going on??? I thought I had my period but why am I seeing faint lines?!

I feel like I’m seeing things??? Shouldn’t the lines be dark by now if I am actually pregnant???

Please helpful advice!!!!!
