What is happening???? Preg or not?!



Currently trying for baby number 2.

I had a chemical pregnancy test last month.

I’ve been using opk test strips and it looks like I ovulated feb 14th-15th. We BABY DANCED ;)

Supposed to start my period feb 29th(sat) took a pregnancy test 12dpo and didn’t see anything and started having pink/red bleeding on Friday 28th. It was pretty light and only lasted for about 3-4 days.. and usually my period is about 6 days and a lot heavier.

Monday I took an opk to start tracking my ovulation.. and it was positive..?!

So I came home and took a pregnancy test and got a faint line?? ( first 2 below)

Then on Tuesday used my FMU and got faint lines again... (below)

What is going on??? I thought I had my period but why am I seeing faint lines?!

I feel like I’m seeing things??? Shouldn’t the lines be dark by now if I am actually pregnant???

Please helpful advice!!!!!


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Posted at
Do you mind updating?? I have a similar situation.


Abbi • Mar 4, 2020
I don’t think so after all that blood. But I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you!! Wish it was more cut and dry for us both


Sara • Mar 4, 2020
That’s great you got a positive digital!!! It sounds like you are pregnant!


Abbi • Mar 4, 2020
Ok thanks!! My period started at a normal time after a faint test and bled for 9 days although light for a period. Tested after bleeding stopped on a whim and got a positive line test then a negative line test and then a positive digital the next day. I’m confused and just letting it go for now and see what happens


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It was probably implantation bleeding


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Update: took a dollar store cheapie tonight


Abbi • Mar 5, 2020
Ughhhhh I’m so sorry. Must have been a chemical. But obviously your fertile and it’s gonna happen soon!


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