Spironolactone- Acne, cystic



Ever since I turned 24 and took myself off consistent birth control for a consistent 8 years. I did birth control intermittently during relationships and as of recently was doing the 1st choice emergency contraceptive each time I had intercourse, it became too consistent to rely on and was causing a lot of hormonal side effects. It has been almost 2 months since I have taken it and I have been taking a niacin supplement to help with my acne which has drastically improved it. All that being said I am still experiencing some issues around my chin and along my jaw line. They are the deep cystic pimples that are very sensitive and take forever to improve or go away. My physician offered to write me a prescription for spironolactone because she seems to think that it will help as it has helped her and some of her patients. I am concerned about being on a medication for acne I tried tons of topical stuff none of it ever actually helped me. I feel like my acne has slowly but surely gotten better and just want everyone's best recommendation. I use a very strict Mario badescu regimen with it salicylic acid treatment, niacinimide retinol and vitamin C. My scarring has miraculously improved and the discoloration is getting much better but would like to see the recurring acne mostly subside. Please help.

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Check out the book "Beyond The Pill" it talks about exactly this among other things. And one of the beat things for cystic acne is cutting out fairy from your diet. Hope this helps!


Bees • Mar 5, 2020
Whole Foods and some other more "natural" food stores have some nut cheeses that are actually pretty good! It's just weighing out what you really want. Do you wanna give up dairy and have no acne or have a little acne and eat cheese. Maybe try making Monday cheese day and you can have one meal with cheese in it? That way you know you have it coming


chloe • Mar 5, 2020
I have cut out a majority of dairy but I like cheese so much hahaha