Baby dropped maybe?


So the last 2 days my belly had been extremely tight and uncomfortable and little man is wiggling around like crazy. But instead of it hurting up in my ribs like usual it’s more towards the middle of my belly now. Could that mean he’s dropped? I don’t look at the side view of my belly very often, just from the top when laying down to watch him wiggle around. ❤️ so I can’t really tell if it LOOKS like he’s dropped. But I’m 35w5 days today. The doc said she will start checking me for dilation and such at my 36 weeks appt and will be going once a week from now on. But I’m hoping he has dropped and is ready to come soon, cause I don’t know if I can handle being this uncomfortable for 3 more weeks. If not, I will 100% choose to be induced at 39 weeks! 😂