I just need to vent.. SPD 😩😩

My husband doesn’t understand and makes me feel like crap when I complain to him about it..

Today has been the worst day as far as pain. I’m 29w4d with my 3rd and I have SPD this time around. Today we went to Target and walking around was painful. My public bone constantly hurts but today is much worse than usual. I’m having also hip pain and lower back pain. I’m nauseous and have a headache. I could barely walk around Target and now I’m having horrible lightning crotch. I NEVER went through this with my other 2 pregnancies so it’s all new to me. I’m not having contractions and I’m not leaking fluid/blood. I just don’t know how to relieve this pain. Tylenol only does so much and I don’t like to take it often.

Anyone else experiencing something similar?