Fear of a negative result

Rose • | 24 | pregnant with my second | dog mom | Oliver 💙 12/3/2020 |

So this is whats going on. As you can probably see my boyfriend and I get it on a lot lol. Always unprotected because I really want a ba

by. I missed my period in December (isn’t normal, I think it’s just cause I started a new job and was stressed), had a regular period the last 2 months and now I’m 3 days late. My breasts have been INCREDIBLY sore and achy, even kinda have a sharp pain going through the left on mostly. I’m nauseous. Cramps and moody but those are typical AF symptoms for me, but tender breasts and nausea aren’t. I’ve had regular periods since I was 16. I’m so scared to take a test because I’m terrified of it saying negative. How have you ladies gotten through the fear? Strongly considering testing tomorrow morning but I don’t wanna be let down.