I need my libido back.

I’m 21 and i have a 1 year old. When i got pregnant in April of 2018 the first symptom i had was painful sex. No amount of lube, foreplay, or position changing helped and it continued to get more painful through my pregnancy. No idea why, doctor said hormones, whatever.

After i had my son (Jan 2019) it slowly got a little better but i cant tolerate latex condoms now. I also have no libido unless i’m on my period or try really hard to get into the mood.

My husband asked me why i wasn’t affectionate anymore a few weeks ago and its been bothering me since. I want to want sex, i’m just never in the mood and it feels like a chore until we’re halfway done. I do enjoy it, so thats not the issue. I just need to boost my libido. Does anyone have tips or experience with this?

**edit: I am an extremely dedicated mom with a degree in early childhood education. I know what my kid needs and i know he is getting enough of mom and dad. I still get up 4 times a night to nurse him for closeness and so he feels secure. So yes, i feel comfortable worrying about my sex life in addition to my baby, thanks.