

You women irritate me when y’all just swear by it that blue dye tests are just the devil. When some of y’all making this assumption haven’t even used them. In my experience pink dye is what’s worse. I HATE first response. But that’s me, my experience. You can’t just tell a woman she can’t use blue dye, she CAN, you just need to know the time frame, what an indent AND evap looks like. I had a false positive with first response that was PINK. Don’t tell me I didn’t because I did. I didn’t have a chemical or miscarriage. Because it was one bold ass pink line & the next day nothing at all. I just feel like women that don’t like blue dye, should just say their experience with blue dye tests instead of just saying don’t use them. It’s so annoying. I’ve had good experience with them. Just a rant 🤦🏻‍♀️