Sad, miserable and in agony.


So I’m 40+5. My hip on one side has felt as though it’s dislocating when I’m walking for a week, I went to the hospital for a growth scan, to check baby and they are concerned the growth is starting to dip, probably due to being overdue. They did say it’s not 100 percent accurate though so the babys growth could be measuring perfectly fine.

They gave me a sweep yesterday and I have been in so much pain since. Not contractions, more like bruising inside. I was fully effaced and 2cm, but my body just doesn’t seem to be going into labour by itself. This is my third pregnancy and I have never gone over, always had amazing, quick, natural labours without pain relief.

I wanted to wait it out but obviously my babies health is the most important thing to me.

I’ve been up all night with my lovely little girl who’s teething, my son who’s started sleepwalking and my hips. So I’m pretty emotional, exhausted and had enough.

But.. my baby should be here tomorrow that’s a certain! Xxx