Who else is 33 weeks and convinced baby is coming soon!


Anyone on here 33 weeks and convinced you won’t make it to 40 weeks? I feel like if I make it to 38 weeks it would be a miracle. I have Braxton Hicks all the damn time and soooo much pressure it’s not even funny. My baby has been in the correct position for delivery since 22 weeks and she seems like she is so strong I’m worried about my water. Doctor says she has reached her max capacity of growth length wise in utero (keep in mind her daddy is 6’10 and I’m only 5’1.) I have dropped so much in the last week and feel the strangest things in my birthing canal (like small spasms.) I have been having much more discharged and it’s of a more watery consistency then before. Also I went from constantly constipated to not at all which has been a relive, but also strange. My back has started to be unbearable and I can barely do things anymore without having to stop because it hurts. So... ladies am I the only one in this position?? Anyone else feel the pain 😂🤣😅 please share with me how you are doing and feeling. 🥰 hope everyone had a wonderful Womens day!