
wait what if you have real long nails? and like i know nothing about this im just exploring the topics right now and i read some and apparently you do it with your fingers? so yeah, what you do when you have one of those fake nails or just long nails?

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I have fake nails but I don’t stick my fingers in myself so it’s no problem


Synthia • Mar 11, 2020
You don’t have to. Some people only clitoral stimulation when they masturbate


Mette • Mar 10, 2020
arent you supposed to... do it?


Posted at
You can buy finger cots/finger condoms and put a bit of cotton wool in before your fingers so then they’re less sharp and it’s also more hygienic 👌🏻


Posted at
This is why lesbians have short nails


Mette • Mar 12, 2020
WAIT IS IT ACTUALLY COS OF THAT? i have short nails and im— not straight but i just thot i just an lgbtq community inside joke or sum


Posted at
Trim them a little