

I’m just on here to get some girl power and advice. Long story short I fell in love and I’ve posted about the guy on here before and everyone’s take on it was that he was just using me for sex. He was my first. I don’t want to admit it and I keep standing up for him but I know he manipulated me. We agreed from the beginning to be fwb because I’m going back to South Africa in a few months but from then he has said he loves me and we care deeply for each other but he sleeps with other women, yeah I know that’s what fwb is but he vents to me about all these girls and then says he loves me and then sleeps with me. I’m a really sensitive person and sex was a big thing for me and who my first was gonna be so I guess I’m just emotionally drained. He is going on vacation for 2 weeks now and I am so happy to just have the break because we see each other all the time. I’m sorry I’m just venting and I’m really emotionally drained about all of this. I’ll be fine with staying friends because we get along really well and I am really close to his sister and they live together but I think for my own sanity and mental state of mind I need to cut romantic ties with him because I now realize he just texts me back when he needs me to be there for him when he’s down.