What’s going on ?


Ok so on Sunday (pic posted), thought I had got my bfp around 2:45pm, so my period is always on time except for last October I ovulated a week later than my tracker predicted, anyways, this morning (Tuesday) I took the FRER and it was a BFN at 9:50am, but I did go to bed

around 4am and peed twice back to back before I slept so i wonder if I was too diluted in the morning ? It looked very negative. I’ve also had cramping too about a week prior to my expected period up until now, but on a bad note last night I opened the FRER test to take for the morning and it was the BIGGEST indent I’ve ever seen, it looked positive! and I hadn’t even used it. I’ve been trying to conceive as well, the days marked with a ❤️ are days he cummed inside of me. Idk what to think, I’m now three days late and I’ve only been this late twice now, I really want to be pregnant. I’m gonna test again around 5:30pm with a family dollar brand pink dye test. What does anyone else think ?