Should I cancel my baby shower?

I’m sure people are sick of COVID19 posts, but hear me out. I’m supposed to have my baby shower in a week (next Saturday). I would have about 40 people in attendance, all of who would be local except my mom and mother in law who have both already purchased tickets to fly in for it (our baby is the first grandkid on both sides). I personally feel fine with still holding it, but I’m not sure if I should cancel it simply to be considerate of others? I’m assuming if people felt uncomfortable coming they just wouldn’t come, but does it look bad on my part to still be holding it?

I really don’t want to cancel it, but I also don’t want to do the wrong thing here! Depending on if the virus gets worse, it’s highly likely that I wouldn’t have a shower before baby got here and wouldn’t get a lot of the essentials I’d need.

The state I live in is discouraging gatherings of 100+ people. I don’t live in Washington or New York or any of the more infected states, but most local companies with 100+ employees have instituted work from home status until the end of March.

What would you do? Would you feel uncomfortable going to a gathering like a baby shower right now?