pls help:(

I’m in high school so this is kinda some kiddy shi* but I really need help!

I’m in 10th grade and I’m really just not comfortable with having sex right now and honestly, I don’t see myself ever getting to that point but I’ve also never been that comfortable with a boy ever. I’ve been talking to this guy for a couple of weeks and yesterday I told him I liked him and he likes me back. It’s our first day “talking” and he brings up sex and is like “How do you not get horny😭” and I just was honest and told him how I’m not ready and that I don’t think waiting is a bad thing. The conversation lasted awhile and it got pretty weird, but at one point he mentioned (he’s a virgin) how he wants to wait for the right person, but I kind of feel like he just said that bc he thinks that’s what I want to hear? Anyways, it really got me insecure about the whole thing bc other than that conversation, things have been really good and I’m really starting to like him. So, I brought it up again later today and asked what difference it would make if I didn’t want to do anything with him. Or how important sex was for him. In summary, he said he doesn’t care about it right now and wants something serious with me, but asked if I would do something if we got comfortable with eachother. He was basically asking if there was a possibility. I can’t answer that bc I just don’t know. I just get energy that he’s only in it for sex, bc it’s a red flag to me that he brought it up within the first day of us talking.

I don’t want to continue this and get hurt even more later on. But I also don’t know if we start dating, maybe I will be comfortable and will want to at some point. Then I think, what if I don’t, then what if he wants to end it and I get more hurt. But would he really end a relationship if we got really close and we’re serious just bc I didn’t want to have sex?

I just don’t know what to do. Should I end it now? Wait it out more? Or something else?

(The last screen shot is what i’m talking about where it got really weird for me😭)