Idk which selfie?!

A lot of people are gonna think this is a stupid post and even more people are probably going to think I’m fishing for compliments.... IM NOT

truth is.. I don’t take a lot of selfies because I have pcos and I don’t really like how I look.. I think my face is very puffy most of the time and I have a LOT of hormonal acne. You can’t see it in the pictures because I caked on a pound of foundation and powder.. but believe me it’s there.

In no way shape or form and I fishing for compliments..... today I just felt like doing some makeup since my boss texted me and said he doesn’t need me today (nanny) so I decided to play around with some makeup.

Well I think these photos turned out... okay? And I kinda want to post one but I don’t want to look stupid.... I can pretty much count on one hand how many times I’ve posted a selfie to my social media since I was in high school and since gaining weight and being diagnosed with pcos I think I’ve posted maybe 2.... if they!!

Idk!!! What do y’all think?!

I’m glad I feel cute today and kinda feeling myself but at the same time I’m soooo insecure 💀