21 years old & getting a hysterectomy


Hi guys!

So basically- I’m 21 and have a five year old daughter and an almost two year old son. I recently found out I’m already in stage two uterine prolapse and due to my circumstances and young age, the only fix is a hysterectomy or to just leave it alone (and get the surgery later).

For me, prolapse has been difficult. I noticed it four months ago after doing a self exam. I was shocked to find my cervix is literally FALLING INTO my vagina!! So as you might be able to tell, sex HURTS. Periods got more heavy and super painful. Ovulation began to hurt too. I realized I was constantly uncomfortable or in pain. The biggest factor is the feeling like my vagina is “sore” with pressure that seems like something is just gonna fall out of it. My symptoms got worse and worse until I decided it was time to make a change. It just turns out the solution isn’t one I ever thought I’d hear.

I can never have more biological kids. I had to break that to my family, my friends, my spouse, even my daughter. It majorly changed our life plans and course. We coped well with this and readjusted, but it’s like something in my brain just hasn’t clicked yet.

I’ve found myself at a major loss. I feel like a piece of me, of what makes me a mother and a woman, is being ripped away from me. Like I’m losing myself and I have no control over it. There’s depression, sadness and there’s loneliness. I can’t find hardly ANY similar stories online or in person. Just knowing someone else has been through this, and that it’s going to be okay would mean the world.

If you’ve experienced this, share your stories. Let’s start a little narrative. Prolapse is SO. COMMON. and no one talks about it! We are not alone.

Thanks so much for listening to my story. I hope this can serve as help to some other woman feeling similar due to prolapse related issues. We’re in it together.