Posting again...


I posted about this last night but my mind is still racing and I feel like the more I think about it the more upset I get about it. My hospital is not allowing any visitors and only one person in the delivery room, standard basically at this point but as of today your support person (my husband) has to leave one hour after delivery and is not allowed to return until I’m discharged and has to pick me up at the front doors. Last night I was concerned about all the logistical stuff like how to walk out of the hospital alone with a baby in a car seat and my bags, can I bring my stroller in the delivery room, who will help me with this or that etc. Now I’m just thinking about my husband missing out on that time with our son, missing out on skin to skin, changing the first diaper, all the memories we made with our first, just the 3 of us in the hospital room, taking pictures, bonding, those first few hours are precious and can’t be given back. I know it’s all for the best but my heart is just broken, and not just for me but for the first time moms that have to be alone or the moms that have c sections or a traumatic birth. We don’t even have a name and I thought we would spend the first few hours looking at him, getting to know him a bit and settling on a name together. This is so tough. Not to mention my husband was able to get me a subway sandwich when I delivered my first at 11

PM and it was the most delicious and satisfying sandwich ive ever had 😂😂 who will spoil me with subway after I push an effing baby out of my body?! I hate you corona!