I’m at a loss for words

I’ve been having issues with my periods for years! In 2017 they started getting really bad but do you think I could get a doctor to listen to me??? Nope... in January I finally got a doctor to run a test they find my endometrium is thickened abnormally to 20mm! They put me on birth control a month later?? My endometrium is still sitting at 20mm on feb 10th my endometrium fell out as a whole... I’ve been bleeding ever since! They did a third ultrasound on Monday my endometrium is still sitting at 13mm.... three months on continuous birth control I continue to bleed and continue to have a thickened endometrium!! I had a gyno appointment scheduled next Friday!! Finally I thought I will get the help I need as my doctor is telling me she is at a loss and has no idea what is wrong... I get a call today... MY GYNO APPOINTMENT IS CANCELLED because of covid-19!!!! Are you kidding me? I understand but at the same time to come so far and get told “sorry can’t help you.. not sure when we can” is a huge slap in the face!!

I’m losing more and more blood as the days go on but apparently that isn’t urgent enough to get help.. all my family doctor can do is try to help me control the bleeding.. that’s it. She has no idea what’s going on and has no idea how to help me...

Great! Not to mention I’m laid off from both my jobs.. 😤😤

Ugh life..