
My husband and I are trying to conceive so I’ve been monitoring my ovulation I think I may be ovulating soon but I really can’t tell I went out and bought those ovulation testers but it’s so hard to tell! I’ve been having cramps like I’m on my period and I pasty white discharge kinda thick and almost translucent discharge (noticed today at work it’s the first time I saw it) and I’ve been having a sweet tooth lately so I’m wondering if I’m ovulating.. I’m going to post a pic of the rest and see if you guys can help because those first respond tests are a little difficult to read and also usually when I take one it only gives me one line and this time is a little different maybe you guys can help also the app says I’m supposed to ovulate in 2 days so I’m not sure maybe if it’s negative I can test again in too days? Any advice is welcome and appreciate ♥️


Took another test today here’s the new one