She’s here 💜


So while im relaxed and have time i guess I’ll tell you my birth story 😌 its kind of long.

So Tuesday March 17 I turned 39 weeks. That morning i had a minor bloody show. But I’d also lost my mucus plug At 38+5. So That night lets say around 8pm I started having mild contractions they weren’t regular but i felt them. I felt them more in my lower uterus and back so i tried to go to sleep early. Around 12 am March 18th they got regular but were only 10 mins apart lasting a minute and kind of got more stronger as they went. As I would go to the bathroom i had more bloody show and diarrhea (tmi) and my water broke but I didn’t realize it at the time because it was pink from me bleeding. But it was literally a small gush from me standing up from the toilet. I also peed more than I normally did which was weird considering all the pressure. So Wednesday my contractions didn’t stop but were still 10 minutes apart so I called my doctor and went in and was told i was leaking! But i was only a FINGERTIP dilated 🤦🏾‍♀️ so i was told to go to the hospital were i was immediately admitted. And they basically had to induce me due to having my water being broken and leaking for 12 hrs ( I didn’t know😓). So they put me on the highest dose of oxytocin but all that did was make me contract back to back and During that time i was given Fentnyl (i think that’s how you spell it) for pain. But that only lasted 45 mins and i could only get it every two hrs. because after 5 hrs i was only 2cms dilated 🙄! But they gave me the epidural at 2cm because my contractions were so bad I felt like i was gonna DIE! But boy did that epidural do WONDERS. But my daughter wasn’t reacting well to the high doseage of oxytocin after a while her heartrate kept going from 110-130. So they kept rolling on my sides to see if it would better affect her. So a few hrs after getting the epidural and her not responding to it well they checked my cervix and realized i was swollen on my right side due to the hard contractions and that they were so frequent. So they gave me medicine to stop my contractions and a benedryl to relax me hoping the swelling would go do. At this point i was only 4cm almost 24 since my water broke 😩. But the benedryl made me sleepy INSTANTLY since everything was inserted by Iv. So around 7am a nurse came in and told me that i may have to have a csection if i was still at a 4 because i went so long since my water broke. At 11:45 they checked me and THANK THE LORD i was fully dilated and effaced. I started pushing at 12 and had her at 12:19! Here’s a picture i took before I went to the doctor and a picture of my baby girl❤️ any moms have questions I’d love to answer them.