10 week old EBF and getting only 2.5oz from one boob?

Jess • 👼🏻👼🏻 + 🤱🏼🌈 + 🤰🏼#2

Maybe someone can break this down for me. My girl is breastfed and eats about every 2 hours. I’m starting to pump in the middle of the night at her first waking up because it’s usually a 4-5 hour stretch and will eat from one boob and fall asleep.

Tonight it was about 3 hours (woke up a little earlier) I fed her and pumped. The boob she ate from produced about half an ounce which I’ve read is average and the boob she didn’t eat from was 2.5 ounces. I pumped for 14 min.

Does that 2.5oz on one boob seem low to you? I know baby is better at getting milk out but I figured I’d be making more for a 10 week old.

(Gaining fine and plenty wet and dirty diapers)