In laws


Don’t get me wrong, I love my in-laws. They’re amazing people, they have helped me and my husband a lot, they’re great grandparents and I’m very lucky to have them as in-laws. But, I’m getting to wear I can’t stand them. My husband is an only child and we see them AT LEAST 3 times a week. Usually more. I’m pregnant with #2 and have had a few complications and I understand that they’re worried, but they have been up my ass so much. Telling what not to do, what should be doing, etc. My mil has went as far as telling how I should be disciplining my 3 year old and have been completely ignoring me and my husbands requests on how to tell him no, not giving him everything he asks for and to quit buying him toys. We have implemented a chore/chart system for toys, and my fil straight up told me it was stupid and has given me nothing but shit for it, acting like he’s kidding around. It’s a very easy chore chart. He doesn’t have set chores, but he was getting very disrespectful and lazy, so every time he helps with cleaning up, he gets a sticker. If he refuses, he gets an X. If he has so many stickers at the end of the week, he gets a toy. But if he has 3 X’s he doesn’t get a toy no matter how many stickers he gets. I do not easily give him x’s either. But he’s gotten 3 for 2 weeks now, so no toy. Every time I’ve told them that no, he can’t have a toy, they go “ohhh come on. I think he’s been very good. I think he needs a toy.” Right in front of him. So of course, I have to be the mean bad guy and keep saying no. The first weekend, they didn’t get him one. But, this last weekend I told them that he got three X’s. And my MIL buys him a toy. She works at a store and had in store credit so she bought him a toy. She said she didn’t think it’d count. Which, yes it’s sweet she decided to spend it on him, she could’ve easily gotten herself something. But, I’m tired of being ignored and frankly, I think it’s disrespectful. My husband doesn’t really care, he is NOT the disciplinary parent, I am. And it’s hard sometimes because I’m not good at being the bad guy either. But if it was up to him, our son would get away with everything and get everything he wants. He does listen to my concerns and agrees, but he won’t enforce his parents. He just lets it happen. I’ve tried talking to him about it, I honestly just think he’s scared to go against his dad. And Idk what to do. I’m so annoyed and I want a break from them for awhile. But, I’m due in 2 weeks, and they both are taking their vacations to “help” when the baby gets here even though no one asked them to and they didn’t ask us. I feel like I’m being ungrateful, but my husband and I desperately need our space. I get that they want to see the baby, but Im gonna be tired, sore, and yes I will need help, my husband isn’t getting very much time off, but I don’t know if I can deal with them without losing my temper and going off about something after the baby gets here. I’m not really looking for answers, I just don’t have anyone to talk to and want to vent 😪