What is the probability

I’m 37 weeks pregnant and I was having a friendly debate with my boyfriend over the probabilities of our child taking after a few things

Well one his dad and brother both have hazel green eyes , his eyes are brown and for my side my grandad had grey/blue light eyes and my aunt has hazel eyes and all of my granddads kids with exceptions of a few have green /hazel or blue eyes mine are brown as hell

He is 100% convinced because of that our kid will come out getting the gene we both didn’t pick up and saying because it’s our first it’s gonna pick it up . I jowever don’t really see it but I don’t not see it either I know kids get genetics from any family member and the fact that both his father and brother have that gene . I just believe my babies eyes will be beautiful brown what do y’all think ? From a science stand point lol

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