Regular pregnancy symptoms or coronavirus?


Hello my friends,

I am 24 weeks pregnant with my first child. Like many of you, I'm anxious about the coronavirus. I can't find this information anywhere, so I'm consulting the infinite wisdom of my Glow ladies.

I've been having a stuffy/runny nose for probably at least a month or two now. It's my understanding that it's a normal symptom in second trimester. I've also had an incredibly mild cough (I mean like maybe 3 single coughs per day). I'm tired, but I'm always tired. I've had the faintest sore throat for a few days, but I've been sleeping with my fan on me because I'm hot at night. I have asthma and have been short of breath, but that has been going on awhile in pregnancy. I've been slightly nauseous for the past few days, but again - I'm pregnant and that's been going on.

So my question is, are these all normal pregnancy symptoms or should I be worried about having coronavirus? I don't work and have been self-isolating. My husband is a public defender and has had to go to court most every day. Also, it's my mom's birthday tomorrow and we're supposed to have a small immediate family gathering at my sister's house, but she has a three week old baby and a 2 year old. Would you go? How about if your mom told you that you were overreacting and it's her birthday? I'm leaning towards "better to be safe than sorry" but I'm curious what you ladies think and if any of you are in the same boat.

Stay safe out there! 💛