1-2 weeks or 4-5??


My last period was February 5th, I got my first faint line on my 5th day of being late( last Friday). I got my first positives on digital this last Monday. I was assuming from my apps and calculators that I was 6 weeks.

I got my blood work back yesterday, they confirmed my pregnancy and said my Hcg was at a level 96. I looked on all of the charts, and that would set me back to week 4-5.

but they told me I’d only be a week or two pregnant right now.

I’m SO confused. They are saying I’d only be at conception or fertilization right now?

That wouldn’t even follow the chart, I’d have to have a 50 or lower.

They haven’t scheduled me for another blood tests, and my ob appointment isn’t until the middle of next month.

My only symptoms have been, sore breasts and cramping, like period cramping. But I haven’t had any blood or spotting.

I’m so confused, what week do you think I am? Any similar story’s?

Thank you for your help!