She’s here!!

Jessica • Mom of 2 beautiful little girls 💗💗

On Thursday 3/19/20, (at 40+4), I stood I up from the couch around 5:30 pm to go start dinner and my water broke! When I got to the hospital, my contractions started and I was already at 3-4 cm dilated around 6:30. Within 2.5 hours, I labored on my own and made it to 7 cm (contractions were 2 mins apart, lasting about 1 min each and extremely intense). I got my epidural at 9:00pm. THANK GOD!!! It was a saving grace! I continued to contract with an epidural from 9 pm to 1 am. By 1:27 am I was ready to push! I pushed for 39 minutes and our little girl was born at 2:06 am on Friday 3/20/2020!! I am so in love!!! I truly thought that I was going to have to be induced, but my body just needed a few extra days lol Good luck to all of you ladies who are still waiting for your time. I know it’s hard to see your due date come and go, but trust me, it is all worth the wait! 🥰