

Just need to vent. Feeling so crushed. For months I’ve had it planned to have an induction on my moms birthday, March 21st, after losing her unexpectedly last thanksgiving. I would be 39 weeks and baby had been measuring 3 weeks ahead and large so i was relieved to Be doing it and especially that my daughter would share the day with her late grammie.

It was set for yesterday at 8pm and I was anxious, nervous, and emotional all day. Soaking in every “last” with my first born daughter and feeling all the feelings about not having my mom there but excited to honor her in that way.

Well an hour before, when we were finishing up all the last minute things, I got a call from the hospital CANCELLING my induction. They said they were cancelling all elective procedures, and wanted to keep mine since it had been on the schedule for quite some time, but decided to cancel it due to COVID-19.

I’m just feeling so crushed and heartbroken.

This virus has changed so much for all of us and the labors/births we all initially envisioned. I’m just feeling completely devastated about this. Just needed to vent.