Delayed Announcement, But She's Here!!!

Callie • 👶🎀 8.18.18. 👶🎀 3.16.20.

Ivy Rose born 3/16 at 11:03am ~ 7 lbs 4 oz and 20 inches long

She was born via scheduled c-section. If any of you other c-section moms are anxious about having a scheduled c-section after your previous baby was an emergency c-section, let me offer you some reassurance: (so far) the recovery from my planned c-section has been 1000x easier and less painful than the recovery from the unplanned c-section I underwent after 37 hours of labor with my firstborn.

Ivy has had more trouble learning to breastfeed than my first baby did, and while we were in the hospital, she lost 11% of her body weight and developed a little bit of jaundice, so I had to start pumping and syringe feeding on top of breastfeeding while we were still in the hospital. She seems to be getting the hang of things now that we're home and is looking less yellow so I'm hoping that by the time her first pediatrician appointment rolls around on Monday that her weight will finally be up instead of down!