High anxiety-need to talk


Today was my sons second birthday. We’ve all been pretty much sick with cough and colds (not Corona thank God). In the afternoon Logan had developed a high fever of a over 103, this scared me so much but I called his dr, gave him tylenol and he took a lukewarm bath with dad. After that he played balloons and drank pedialyte as well as his “baba” at night. Before bed he got some more medicine. It’s now been almost 12 hours since his medicine and the fever has not returned.

I have now been up each hour since he has been asleep checkin his temp. I am now terrified. I can’t sleep or eat, which is horrible because I am 35 weeks pregnant. My anxiety is out of control right now (I am on meds but had to go to a lower dose when we found out I was preg).

How can I tell myself it’ll be okay and this shall pass? How do you fellow mamas stay in control or not take it to such an extreme when your babies are sick??