Is anyone else’s partner being an idiot about Coronavirus?

Is anyone else’s partner being an idiot about Coronavirus? I’ve begged him to please stay inside, but he won’t. We have enough food, water, money, etc to quarantine for more than 2 weeks. He is being extremely stubborn, saying he’s bored at home, he can’t sit at home all day, he wants to work (he’s a freelancer) and so on. He is saying the media is hyping this out of proportion.🤦‍♀️ I’ve sent him scientific articles, FACTS, things doctor’s have written, I’ve pleaded with him, I’ve told him he’s putting me at risk, he’s putting himself and people in the community at risk. He thinks it’s stupid and says nobody in our community has it yet, and when people start getting it, things will change and he will come inside. But then it will be too late! I’ve told him probably hundreds of people have it but it hasn’t shown itself yet because of the two week incubation period, and because they’re not testing here. He said he’s not touching anyone and being careful, but I told him that isn’t enough. He won’t listen. He has said stuff like “there are too many people in the world, maybe this is a good thing” and “if we get it, we get it.” I’ve tried everything and now I’m just very scared and very sad that he won’t take this seriously. I have nowhere else to go, I feel trapped and in a dangerous situation. Our relationship has already been rocky recently but this is just inexcusable. It makes me want to leave but I can’t. Is anyone dealing with an ignorant partner or family member? Any advice? The stress, fear and sadness he is causing me is probably weakening my immune system. I don’t know what to do. Thanks in advance.