Any help will be great 💞


Hello, it’s been almost 3 years since TTC for our first child and it’s been full of emotions, we first seen my regular obgyn before starting, we were informed I would be pregnant within 6 months no doubt. Well I got my hopes up. Still nothing, she wouldn’t help further she pushed us to the side, I then found a dr that we had to travel too. Had a lot of tests done, few $,1000s later, still nothing kept being told everything was normal, got tried of the drive, found a doctor in our town switched to him. Within a month of seeing him he did a ultrasound, (which I’ve had several of in the past and been told they are normal) come to find out there was a TON of tissue build up, and a cyst that needed to be removed, he scheduled me for surgery, and I had my surgery last Monday March 16th 2020! He did a DNC to remove the tissue, and did a lap to remove the cyst. Come to found out I have ENDO which explains so much, he told my husband that it was blocking my tubes. And sadly he was unable to remove my cyst because there was a possibility of me losing my ovary because it is vascular that it’s best to stay there. Okay, long story short, I could go on and on. who else has these problems? And after surgery how long did you wait before trying again? What advice can you give? I finally feel like I have hope again!

Thank you!