
So I’m scared this is my fourth pregnancy I’ve lost two of my babies and I have my first OB appointment tomorrow I will be 7weeks and 1 day. I’ve have been put on bed rest already. We didn’t even think having children was going to be possible because of an Auto-immune disease I have called graves disorder. I didn’t even know I was pregnant we thought I had the stomach flu. I really just want everything to be ok tomorrow I can’t stop crying and my spouse doesn’t understand. How I feel or were I’m coming from the two babies I lost were before we got married. I keep telling him I feel so alone and I just want to know that everything is going to be ok. My last baby I lost I carried for a month before I could have a D&C nothing more will mess with your head the pain it created. I just need to get this off my chest I know I can’t do this alone. I just wish he would stop making me feel like a burden.