Could I be pregnant?


Let me give you some background info:

I tried being on the progestogen only pill since February (lemme just say that hasn’t gone to great). I’ve forgotten to take quite a few pills here and there. We had sex a day or two after me not taking a pill and he didn’t pull out. Im not sure when in my cycle I was at but he didn’t pull out like 3/4 times this whole cycle. I do know for optimum protection against pregnancy I should use condoms as well.. I’m also really confused because my cycle is completely all over the place from the pill so i don’t really know when I should have my period as the pill makes me bleed randomly.

My period is due in four days I think? I’ve been getting really bad headaches, very tired, and little cramps (feels sort of like tightening). Last week i was up all night in so much pain it felt like something was stabbing me in the lower stomach (it didn’t feel like cramps tho) it was more of a burning sensation, I’ve never felt it before.

Sorry this is really long; I’d just quite like some opinions and some other knowledge from different people.

I’m very confused with my body right now 😂