League of legends

Does anyone else's spouse get so damn angry at their league of legends game? I'm talking like screaming their computer like a 2 year old having a tantrum, hitting their desk and screaming curse words endlessly? Because my husband does. We have twin toddlers and whenever they're sleeping he plays league. And he gets so angry that I'm afraid he will wake them up. Sometimes he does. Well today I was trying to clean out a closet while our twins were watching TV in the living room (where his desk is) and I just hear his start yelling at the top of his lungs at his game, which freaks the twins out and makes they start sobbing. So I'm dealing with a loud af angry husband and screaming twins while I'm knee deep in my mess of a closet. And he is no help. Someone make it stop. I'm done. I really don't want to fight with him, but it's pissing me off.