Rejection in the time of Covid


I’m posting this because I feel very isolated from the world and desperate to move forward from a recent rejection. I hadn’t dated in 2 years for a number of reasons but I have also never been in such a good place as I am today. I met someone in a random encounter and for 2 months got to know him and he got to know me. I shared more emotional intimacy than I ever have and last week, he ghosted me.

On one hand, I’m grateful he didn’t lead me on and use me for sex or anything. On the other hand, I’m so fucking hurt. So fucking hurt to be treated like this and I wish I could just move on to the next one but it’s a fucking quarantine right now!

I guess it’s a great chance to get to know my real feelings etc. just would love to hear from some people and get some support and also laughs. Because this mother fucker would wasn’t even interested in a sex partner for this stupid fucking pandemic. But low key grateful he’s not using me too.