So I think I have a UTI because I have like frequent, painful urination and my pee smells strong. It started last night and I just took some over the counter thing for it no big deal, so I traveled today 13 hours and just kept taking those pills no big deal. I was on my third dose for the day because that’s what the box recommends and I realized a few hours later and one quick stop to pee it wasn’t working and I was very uncomfortable. So I come home and pee and realize there is blood in my urine, okay no big deal this has happened before. So I get in the shower and I see a blood clot on the shower floor. I panic a little. I’m not on my period. I get out of the shower still hurting, I have to pee again (of course) and when I wipe I see blood clots on the tp. The blood clots are coming from my urethra. Please help. I’m nervous and it’s too late at night to see a doctor and I don’t feel like this is an emergency to go to the hospital