Could I be pregnant?


My last period was Feb. 15th and I expected my next one on March 15th. My cycles have always been 28-30 days. My longest cycles was 35 days back in dec. 2018. So when I was a week late I took a pregnancy test it was negative. On March 28th I will be six weeks late and I will take another test. My period has never been this late nor have I ever been on any medications (birth control) that could mess with my period. This is really starting to stress me out. Anyone with similar stories? Where you pregnant? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

Side note: I have some pressure in my pelvic area it’s not painful just a little uncomfortable. I’m falling asleep earlier in the day, have headaches on and off and a lot more gassy the usual. This may be TMI but I also have more vaginal discharge.