39+3 today. Zero signs of labor.


Trying to be patient and let this girl come on her own, but I’m getting worried that she is pretty content. Still not dilated and cervix is very high. With covid-19 only getting worse, I’m just ready to get her home and safe. Really don’t want to be in the hospital in a few weeks during the peak of the virus in my state. 😫

I finished her nursery weeks ago, thank goodness, so I can spend these last few weeks admiring it while I’m stuck at home!! 🥰

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Posted at
Your nursery looks beautiful!! I went to 39+5 last week with absolutely zero signs of labor and then my water broke in the middle of the night, and I had my baby that day. Don’t give up hope! It could happen at any moment!


Maddy • Mar 27, 2020
I’m 39+4 and I have my induction set for Monday which is NOT what I wanted. This comment gave me hope. ❤️🙏 thank you.


Kristin • Mar 27, 2020
Thank you!! And that’s great to hear! Congrats, mama!


Posted at
Love the nursery! I’m 39+4 and not dilated said slightly open yesterday at 39+3. Scheduled induction to start 8 pm on March 31st. But hoping and praying he comes on his own! Been walking and doing everything I can to try and get stuff going. Induction is not how I wanted my labor to go at all since it means I won’t be able to do intermittent monitoring so not sure I’ll be able to get out of bed to move around.


Sara • Mar 27, 2020
Good luck to you!


Kristin • Mar 27, 2020
Yeah, I didn’t really want to be induced either, but it’s looking like I might have to be. Hoping I’ll progress a little more before my appt on Monday. Good luck, mama!


Posted at
Have you called your OB and asked about how they feel about inducing? Since you’re so close anyways?


Kristin • Mar 27, 2020
I have an appt on Monday. He really didn’t want to induce until I had dilated some or gone past my due date! I’m nervous about an induction anyway! 😩